MSiI 2.1 – Localizzazione e traduzione per il Web

Anno accademico: 2014-15
Corso: Mediazione scritta in inglese
Insegnamento: MSiI 2.1 – Localizzazione e traduzione per il Web
CFU: 2.5
Docente: Salvatore Mele


The course, which is open to 2nd year students who have already completed their CAT tools course, has four basic aims:

1. to further familiarise students with specialist CAT tools used to translate and localise web pages in HTML format;
2. to familiarise students with basic HTML editing software for last-minute adjustments to translated web pages;
3. to introduce students to some of the basic textual typologies most commonly encountered in translating web sites from Italian into English;
4. to further enhance students’ language skills in English, which will be assumed to be at least to advanced B2 level.

 Students will work towards these objectives by working with Wordfast Pro (dedicated software used for translating HTML code, as well as other electronic formats) on a number of different web sites, or sections thereof. These web sites will cover a series of different textual typologies (including, but not limited to, art and art history, general information provided by public bodies, the presentation of small businesses and their products, etc.).

Although the course is language- and direction-specific, the basic underlying features of the translation process using a CAT tool for translating HTML-based texts can also be applied to other languages and directions.

Students will be expected to either sit for a 4-hour written exam, where they will prepare a small web-site for translation, and provide an acceptable translation of this site into English; OR undertake a translation project of at least 3 html pages, for which they will be given one week.
In either case, students will be assessed both in terms of their technical ability and their language skills.

Students wishing to undertake their final dissertation in the field of localisation and/or translation for the Web, will be expected to have read the following:

Monacelli, Claudia, ed. Traduzione, revisione e localizzazione nel terzo millennio: da e verso l’inglese. Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2007.