MSiI3.2 (BL)

Anno accademico: 2021–2022
Corso: Mediazione linguistica – lingua inglese
Insegnamento: Mediazione scritta IN inglese 3.2 (MSiI3.2) BL
CFU: 2,25
Docente: Kathleen Marie Hughes (


Today there is an increasing need for translations dealing with cultural heritage. The course will provide students with further practice in translating a variety of text types sourced mostly from this sphere. Areas studied will include, but not be limited to fine art, architecture, performance art, dance and music and texts will range from exhibition panels and brochures, reviews, information leaflets and other promotional material for cultural events. Texts will be analysed and focus will be placed on the terminology, micro language, formulaic expressions, and register typically associated with these kinds of text. There will also be analysis of the morphological and lexical features common to texts of this kind. Comparative analysis and parallel texts will be used to help students develop and apply strategies to produce a plausible target text in English. The course is language- and direction-specific, i.e. Italian–English.


By the end of the module, students will be able to:

  • analyse a text relating to cultural heritage in general, and identify features which are potentially problematic
  • identify divergences in grammatical structures and culturally specific items and provide acceptable equivalents
  • draw on a range of relevant formulaic expressions and lexical areas
  • recognise and correct unauthentic language features of the target text
  • provide a plausible target text in English


At the end of the module students will be expected to sit for a 2-hour exam where they will be asked to translate a short text (approx. 200–300 words) from Italian into English. The text will be of a similar type to those dealt with during the course. Alternatively students may be asked to work on a “mini-project” which would entail a longer text (500-600 words). In this case the student would be expected to give a detailed bibliography including all websites consulted for use as parallel texts and all support materials (online and hard copy) used.


Texts sourced from websites, newspapers, magazines, and authentic exhibition materials will be provided by the course tutor.Â