LI4/5 (S/L)

Anno accademico: 2021–2022
Corso: Lingua inglese
Insegnamento: Lingua inglese livello 4/5 (LI 4/5) S/L
CFU: 6
Docente: Salvatore Mele ( 

Description (1° semestre – COMPETENZE SCRITTE) – CFU 3


This first-semester course will concentrate on students’ written skills in English, and presupposes that students, having completed all coursework and exams for English Language Levels 1, 2, and 3, no longer require weekly grammar-based classes and that, as autonomous users of English, are now able to consult appropriate source material to resolve grammar, syntax, and pronunciation issues. The topics for this year’s Level 4 written skills course will be based on examples of the postmodern novel, and will be structured as follows.

First meeting

Students will be provided with a bibliography of the novels that make up the compulsory and optional reading for the course.

Second meeting

Students will have read at least two (2) of the novels from the list and have thought of an appropriate topic for their final essay. At this meeting, students will also be expected to provide any additional research material they have consulted or wish to consult for approval, and may also present any doubts or difficulties they are experiencing.

Third meeting

Students will provide a brief, 200-word outline of their essay topic, and will be expected to answer any questions (from fellow students or course teacher) regarding the topic.

Final presentation

Each student will be expected to submit a 2,000–2,500-word (LI4) or 3,000–3,500-word (LI5) essay on the topic chosen in conjunction with the course teacher.


The course principally aims to enhance students’ active academic written skills, and to bring them to C1 level in this area. Students will also become familiar with different types of essays (literary, expository, compare-and-contrast. . .), and will write and hand in an essay of approximately 2,000–2,500 (Level 4 students) or approximately 3,000–3,500 words (Level 5 students).


Each student’s final essay (approximately 2,000–2,500 words for Level 4 students; approximately 3,000–3,500 words for Level 5 students) will be assessed by the course teacher, who will be looking for lexical/terminological appropriateness, coherence and register, discursive cohesion, logical development of argument, acceptable academic presentation, and bibliographical method.


The following bibliography is subdivided into three sections. Students are expected to choose at least four novels, and at least one from each of the three subsections. Students are free to propose other novels for any of the three subjections. The novels listed in section C may also be read in the original.

A—Early examples:

Samuel Beckett. 1938. Murphy. London: Faber and Faber, 2009.

Flann O’Brien. 1939. At Swim-Two-Birds. London: Penguin Modern Classics, 2000.

Vladimir Nabokov. 1941. The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. London: Penguin, 2012.

Samuel Beckett. 1953. Watt. London: Faber and Faber, 2012.

B—Later examples:

William S Burroughs. 1959. Naked Lunch. London: Penguin Classics, 2015.

Thomas Pynchon. 1966. The Crying of Lot 49. London: Penguin, 2012.

Richard Brautigan. 1967. Trout Fishing in America. Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 2014.

Kathy Acker. 1982. Great Expectations. London: Penguin Books, 2018.

Cormac McCarthy. 2006. The Road. New York: Knopf, 2006.

George Saunders. 2017. Lincoln in the Bardo. New York: Random House, 2017.

C—From other cultures:

Italo Calvino. 1972. Invisible Cities. Translated by William Weaver. London: Vintage Books, 2010.

Roberto Bolaño. 1980/2002. Antwerp. Translated by Natasha Wimmer. New York: New Directions Books, 2010.

Haruki Murakami. 2017. Killing Commendatore. Translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen. New York: Knopf, 2018.

Description (2° semestre – COMPETENZE ORALI) – CFU 3

The second-semester course will concentrate on students’ oral skills in English, and presupposes that students, having completed all coursework and exams for English Language Levels 1, 2, and 3, no longer require weekly grammar-based classes and, as autonomous users of English, are now able to consult appropriate source material to resolve grammar, syntax, and pronunciation issues. The topics for this year’s Level 4/Level 5 oral skills course will be based on students’ own research proposals. The course will be structured as follows:

First meeting. Students will be provided with their topics and research material.

Second meeting. Students will provide a brief oral account of the material they have been working on, and the specific direction their research is taking. At this meeting, students will also be expected to provide any additional research material they have consulted or wish to consult for approval, and may also present any doubts or difficulties they are experiencing.

Third meeting. Students will provide a brief, five-minute outline of their topic, and will be expected to answer any questions (from fellow students or course teacher) regarding their topic.

Final presentation. Each student will be expected to give their 20-minute (Level 4 students) or 30-minute (Level 5 students) presentation to their fellow students and course teacher. Students’ presentations will be assessed by the course teacher and a panel of auditors.


The course principally aims to enhance students’ passive and active oral skills, and to bring them to C1 level in terms of oral production.


Each student’s final oral presentation and bibliography (see below) will be assessed by the course teacher and a select panel of evaluators, who will be looking for lexical/terminological appropriateness, coherence and register, discursive cohesion, logical development of argument, acceptable pronunciation and intonation, and adequate interpretation and elaboration of basic research material.


The final bibliography will be compiled by each student depending on their research topic. All students will be expected to hand in their bibliography as part of their final assessment.