LI3 (BL)

Anno accademico: 2022–2023
Corso: Lingua inglese
Insegnamento: Lingua inglese livello 3 (LI3) BL
CFU: 4,5
Docente: Kathleen Marie Hughes (


The course will provide students with language training and development at C1 level and will cover all language skills. Authentic and semi-authentic reading texts, and podcasts on a variety of topics, (with an emphasis where possible on business, commerce, and tourism) will be used to analyse lexis, grammatical structures, register and features of spoken and written discourse typical at this level. This will include lexical work covering collocation, colloquial language and idiom, and micro-language related to the area of business, commerce, and tourism; advanced grammar structures including inversion, mixed conditionals and revision of the tense system, discourse markers for both formal and informal speech and writing. Students will be encouraged to use new language and structures to develop and defend arguments, express feelings, speculate and hypothesise in controlled language practice sessions covering a range of interactive situations including, discussions, debates and presentations. Reading and writing assignments will be set for home study and will include a variety of formats, including reports, formal letters, and discursive essays.


By the end of the module students will be able to

  • speak and write on a variety of topics using a smooth and accurate flow of language 
  • maintain coherent, well-structured speech using connectors and cohesive devices
  • write cohesive and context-appropriate texts
  • choose appropriate language from a broad repertoire available to them, according to register and function
  • understand both gist and detail of complex reading material
  • understand both gist and detail of complex authentic listening materia


Students will sit part of the final exam at the end of the first semester (30% of final mark) and will only be tested on reading and writing skills (2 hours).The final 2-hour exam (70%) will cover reading, writing, and listening skills and use of English. Students will also be expected to give a short presentation on a topic covered during the course.


Latham-Koenig, Christina, and Oxenden, Clive. English File Digital Gold 4th Edition, Advanced Student’s Book & Workbook. Oxford: OUP, 2022.