LI2–CO (L)

Anno accademico: 2021–2022
Corso: Lingua inglese
Insegnamento: Lingua inglese livello 2 – competenze orali (LI2–CO) L
CFU: 4,5
Docente: Kathleen Marie Hughes (


The course will provide students with language training and development at B2 level and will focus primarily on speaking and listening skills. Authentic and semi-authentic listening exercises, video clips and podcasts on a variety of topics will be used to analyse lexis, grammatical structures, register and features of spoken discourse. Students will also practise listening for gist and detail and understanding attitude and opinion. Controlled language practice sessions will enable students to use new language and structures to express opinions, justify, compare, disagree etc. in a range of interactive situations including discussions, debates, and presentations.


By the end of the module students will be able to

• speak on a variety of topics using appropriate register and accurate language

• maintain a coherent flow of speech for a short period

• organise ideas effectively and present them using cohesive devices

• interact effectively in sustained discourse with another speaker

• understand the gist of a range of spoken materials

• understand the detail of a range of spoken materials


Students will be continuously assessed throughout the course.


All classroom materials will be provided by the course teacher.